"Earth To Eden" is a half hour (2 × 11 minutes) animated slice-of-life show aired at kids 5 to 9, about an artistic and spirited 7 year old girl named Eden who is at the beginnings of discovering who she is and her place in the world. Rather than having dreams of becoming rich and/or famous like her peers, she would rather spend her time writing, drawing, or playing music. Most of all, she loves gardening and spending time outdoors. Although Eden has a precocious little sister and an artsy mother who owns a nursery, she mostly enjoys spending time with her work-from-home father who is determined to be the best #girldad ever!
The show can be likened to a modern day version of "Little House On The Prairie," "Full House," or "The Berenstain Bears" with its positive treatment of ethics and family life. The show will be a romp through the Heartland, traversing life like a typical country song and using similar themes: love of family, love of God, heartache, hard work, and personal pride.
By living her daily life as a curious individual, Eden will learn that life isn't simply about feeling good, it's about living well. She will learn that being in relationship with another person means being an active partner in helping one another, assuming that we all have a part to play.
As the original book was inspired by Audrey's background in environmental care, the show will use sustainability (not only with regards to the environment, but also our relationships) as the driving theme of the show. By walking out scenarios that challenge Eden's worldview, she will encounter solutions (and maybe even more questions) which will, in turn, create conversations and/or stir action. These types of stories will allow the show to address: common family dilemmas, which affect everyone's physical and mental health, to uncover healthy and kid-relatable responses.
Through it all, she will try to live by the motto,"Open hands, open heart."
Format: Pilot Episode
Creative Direction, MMDP & Episodic Designs and Revisions, Storyboard Sequences, Building and Rigging, Location Key Revisions, Production Layouts, Background Key Revisions, Production Backgrounds, Scene Planning/Assembly, Animation Direction, Animation, VFX, Compositing, Quality Control, and Rough Assembly.
Client: Trilogy Animation Group